Compassionate Neighbours
Free service and open to the areas of St Helens and Knowsley.
How can we support you?
Our Compassionate Neighbour volunteers are fully trained to provide their time, companionship and support to people living in their community. We can match someone to support you according to your likes, hobbies, interests and location. There are no charges made for our service, but donations are always welcomed to support the vital work of Willowbrook Hospice.
Compassionate Neighbours service is a FREE service and open to the areas of St Helens and Knowsley
Emotional Support
e.g. listening ear, reminiscing
Practical Support
e.g. walking a dog, making a light meal, taking to appointment
Company Companionship
e.g. being with, allowing carers/family to go to the hairdressers, meet a friend, go to the shop
Making Connections
e.g. helping to use technology such as FaceTime, accessing virtual groups
e.g. finding special interest groups, info on claiming benefits / accessing health services
Would you like a Compassionate Neighbour?
If you live in St Helens or Knowsley with poor health or frailty due to long term or terminal illness or are feeling lonely or isolated please get in touch.
How do I do this?
- You or someone who supports you can contact us directly
- Health agencies - such as your GP
- Community Groups
- Adult social care services
- Charities - can contact us
Whilst we are able to do a lot for you unfortunately our compassionate neighbours are unable to…
- Give any personal care
- Do heavy household tasks
- Give any advice regarding medications or help you take medicines
- Give you their personal contact details
- Be involved in anyway with legal or financial matters
- Handle cash more than £30 if picking up shopping
Make a Referral
To make a request for someone who could benefit from having a Compassionate Neighbour, please call 01744 453798 or email